Saturday, September 15, 2018

OMG....... I AM.....

It came sneaking up on me. But in all actuality it had been there on my calendar for months, actually years if you think about it.

Somehow, I went seemingly over night from being a twenty something, to a 30+ year old Wife and Mom. Then before I knew it I was 40!


But honestly in most ways I didn't feel any different than I had before. Except I was suddenly feeling done with living my life the way I always had. But to be perfectly honest, that had been coming down the road for years.

I don't think that I would call it a mid-life crisis or anything like that. I think that it was more of I had finally grown up and decided the only way that things were going to be the way that I wanted them was if I made the changes happen.

So here it goes. The 40 year old me, Plan.

  • No more being a maid to the people in my house
  • Telling people exactly what I need and feel
  • 100% on the Debt Free Band wagon

I am sure as time goes on there will be more things added. But for now this is going to be the year of Me!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Who am I?


  I am Mom, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister in Law and CEO, Full time Caregiver, Teacher, Nurse, Chef, Taxi, Housekeeper, Gardener. Laundress, Professional Organizer and so many more.

But I am simply me....

Sometimes during the day I totally forget who I am inside.  I wear so many hats in my life. There are some days that I would gladly trade them all for a Drink with an Umbrella in it on the beach with a cute Waiter.

But most of the time I love my life. All the chaos that it entails, all the Joys and Sorrows.

My life is the ups and downs of parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and being the full time Caregiver to my Husband with End Stage Renal Disease and Congestive Heart Failure.

I invite you to join the ride with me and my family.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

52 Week Meal Planning

Hello again.

One of the biggest ways to save is to cut down on your grocery bill.  Now just because I said that don’t
go trying to cut everything out at once. You don’t need to necessarily eat only oatmeal, bean and
rice everyday. That would get boring very quickly and once that happens you won’t be able to stick to
that plan.

My best suggestion is to make a weekly meal plan. This can save you tons of money because you
decide what you want, pick up those ingredients, and you can have your meal.  What I try to do is
make up a plan for 4 weeks that I can rotate through.  This way I am able to stock up on the various
ingredients as they go on sale.

For example, Potatoes are on sale for $1.99 for 10lbs, these store well so I have the chance to
pick up 30lbs for $5.97. During the winter we use these a lot in our meals.
Normally these are $2.98+ for 5 lbs or $0.59/lb, so taking advantage of the sale, makes it $0.19/lb ,
a savings of $0.39/lb.  If we look at the amounts at regular price 30 lbs of potatoes cost $17.88 vs
buying them on sale for 30lbs for $5.97, this will save you $11.91. You can in turn splurge on some
higher end ingredients for your meals or buy some extra baking items for an afternoon surprise.

Again it is the little things that can really add up to larger amounts. Here is an example of a typical 4
week meal rotation for my family.


Week 2



Sloppy Joe

Shephard Pie

BBQ Chick Leg
Beef Stew

MB Grinders

Stuffed Peppers
Hot Dogs/FF
Pork Chops

Roast Chic

Chic Alfredo


Chicken Pot Pie


Chicken Parm

Meat Loaf



Zuppa Tusc

Pork Ribs

Beef Strog
Hamb Helper



Beef Broc

Now that I have this rotation I can make my master grocery list. I break down all the ingredients
into my list and first I “pantry shop” to see if I have already the ingredients. If not then they stay
on the list.

Now I have both a weekly and a monthly list. This may sound way to complicated but it actually
makes my life easier. There are some things that I need for week one’s meals, lets start with the
steak for the beef stew. While I am out shopping I see a managers markdown on steaks. I know
that I need 1 for this week but I also need some for week 3’s fajitas and week 4’s Beef Strogenoff
and Beef/Broccoli. Now I can either just buy the one steak I need at the reduced price and possibly
have to pay full price for 4 more steaks later in the month. Or pick up all 5 steaks, freeze the extra 4
for later in the month. Most of the time the mark downs can reduce the steak from $5/lb down to $2/lb
at my local grocery stores.  It could be as much as looking at $25 for 5 steaks for the month or $10 for
5 steaks. I personally will choose $10. Also those meat markdowns are a great place to look for
other meats that you will either need later in the month or just as a good stock up.

I have actually been able to get higher quality meats by choosing to purchase from the meat mark
downs. Thus feeding my family better food for less money.

This post is part of my series 52 weeks of Meals. In this series I am looking for ways to save money,
and feed my family better food.  I look forward to sharing this with you.